
Obituaries » Phillip Eric Dawson

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Phillip Eric Dawson

June 29, 1949 - May 18, 2017

U.S. Veteran

Burial Date May 31, 2017

Funeral Home Henry W. Anderson Mortuary, Apple Valley

Cemetery Fort Snelling National Cemetery

Service Location Walker Methodist Highview Hills

Funeral at 10:30am on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at Walker Methodist Highview Hills, 20150 Highview Ave., Lakeville, Minnesota, with visitation one hour prior. Private burial at Fort Snelling National Cemetery.

Obituary Viewed 11802 times

Posted by:
Erica Hercus

Posted on:
December 10, 2018

Oops! The order of the photo I just posted is not in birth order, sorry!! The Photo goes from L to R: Annetta, Rob, Ted, Phil

Posted by:
Erica Hercus

Posted on:
December 10, 2018

Siblings (in birth order L to R): Annetta, Ted, Rob, Phil

Posted by:
Erica Hercus

Posted on:
December 10, 2018

Senior Class Picture

Posted by:
Max Meyers

Posted on:
June 11, 2017

Phil Dawson was a dear friend. Being, like him, an aviator, gave Phil and I a peculiar connection. We could tell our ever-expanding aviation stories to each other in pilot-talk without having to explain technicalities. The connectivity was amplified by the fact that we had both been military pilots. The stories were even more exclusive! We went to the same church and were members of the same small group. We were each fathers of wonderful kids. Another link. But the finest link in this connectivity that meant so much to each of us … we were brothers in Christ. The greatest link! In God’s Amazing Grace he gathered Phil’s life and mine, in the US and in Australia, about as far apart as it is possible to be on this amazing planet, redeemed us and privileged us with all the blessings of salvation. Then He drew our lives to the same place to spend years together. What an incredible networker God is! After his military life Phil went on into airline flying. After the military I took the direction of Mission flying with Mission Aviation Fellowship. MAF and Qantas don’t have much in common, really. But Phil and I did, and I valued that very much. I record for his wonderful family and for any who might happen to read this that God gave to Phil many gifts. I found among them the greatest were of Love and Encouragement. I’m so glad that Phil demonstrated those gifts to me, over and over again. I honor his memory, I honor his Savior. I take joy ion the fact that Phil and I will share eternity together. The simple fact is that “when you know where something is, it isn’t lost!” I know where Phil is … and he isn’t lost! My beloved, Jo, joins me in sending our deepest love to you, Dianne, and to Erica, Ian, Colleen and Bethany … and all your families. Find joy in your mourning and in your justifiable tears. Feel God’s blessing! Max Meyers

Posted by:
Swanton Family

Posted on:
June 11, 2017

The Swanton family were very much blessed (and particularly excited) when the Dawson’s arrived from Minnesota and moved next door to us in Templestowe, Victoria during 1990. It was so good to be able to introduce the Dawson family to life “Downunder”, to our local church and then to welcome Phil and Diane to the Small Group of the church to which we belonged. Phil was often away flying Boeing 737’s on the Domestic routes of Qantas but whenever he was home Phil with his earnest and sincere approach was a fine contributor to the Group. He had a great sense of humour but deep down lay a wonderfully strong faith. Following his retirement from Qantas and the decision by he and Diane to spend time with family in Australia and the States it was always good to catch up when it was Australia’s turn to enjoy their company. We have so many happy memories of Phil and noted his great strength of character as he fought against the debilitating disease that he suffered over the last 15 years of his life. We now mourn Phil’s passing but look forward so much to catching up with him in the Life to come, where there is no pain or tears. We are joined by Jennifer and Michael, Michelle and Andrew, Lisa and Andrew, Jonathan and Claire and Debbie who all send their condolences. With our sincere sympathy, but assuring you of our prayers. Keep Looking Up Rob and Judy Swanton

Posted by:
Chris and Allen Ashman

Posted on:
May 30, 2017

Diane, Colleen, Erica, Ian , Bethany and families, So sorry we can't be with you for the funeral. Please know that we will be thinking of you and send you our best wishes during this difficult time. You father was a fighter and a strong man. He used that strength through the last difficult years. And his family was an inspiration to him. I know you are proud of him as he was of you. I will miss the "wooden eye" joke. It surely was his favorite!

Posted by:
Graham & Katie Hercus

Posted on:
May 27, 2017

We met Phil and Diane when we about to become co-in-laws, and were privileged to be able to pray for our children and their future together. We had Qantas in common, as he was a B737 Captain and we had been Qantas staff too, so our children were all Qantas kids.We were immediately drawn to Phil's faith, his warmth, and his humour, all of which we were blessed by, through both ups and downs. We have shared four beautiful grandkids and many of the family celebrations that go with that. In the recent years we have been impressed with the way Phil has dealt with his Parkinson's with courage and humour. All honour as well to Diane for the huge task she has shouldered in those times too. Lots of love to all the family at this time. Graham and Katie Hercus

Posted by:
Rich Siakel

Posted on:
May 25, 2017

I am very sorry to learn of Phil’s passing. We were classmates at Braniff back in 1977 and briefly shared an apartment in Dallas while waiting for our base assignments. My memories of him will always be as a polite gentleman with a smile on his face.

Posted by:
Rich Siakel

Posted on:
May 25, 2017

I am very sorry to learn of Phil’s passing. We were classmates at Braniff back in 1977 and briefly shared an apartment in Dallas while waiting for our base assignments. My memories of him will always be as a polite gentleman with a smile on his face.

Posted by:
Fred G. Drexler

Posted on:
May 25, 2017

I have fond memories of Phil when we both flew in VR-51 Glenview, IL back in the late '70s, early '80's. We referred to him as our "BOY Aircraft Commander" as he was already checked out as an experienced A/C flying the C-118 on active duty with VR 21. And he proved to be a very skilled pilot and was a pleasure to fly with. I also had the pleasure to go out to lunch with him several times over the past few years as we lived just a couple miles apart in Lakeville. A strong Christian, good friend and will be missed by all that knew him.

Posted by:
Yvonne Jenkins

Posted on:
May 24, 2017

I'm very sorry about the loss of your loved one. Remember the Bible's promise at Isaiah 25:8. May Jehovah comfort you during this difficult time.

Posted by:
Lt Col Darrell Weslander

Posted on:
May 24, 2017

We all have to walk that lonesome valley. Diane, your children, family and countless friends: we lost a good man. Phil was an ace pilot (co-worker at Braniff and Sun Country Airlines), a friend, a good example for fitness-he consistently outran me when we jogged together on layovers-but far beyond that, he was a gem on a person to the core. I remember him telling me how proud he was on being a Navy pilot and an OSU grad. He had his Navy helmet painted in The Ohio State U colors and took it in to a football practice. He got accolades from the coach and players. But I don't think he got to dot the I. May he rest in God's eternal peace.

Posted by:
John Webb

Posted on:
May 24, 2017

Although both Phil and I served at Braniff International Airlines and Braniff Inc., we did not know each other until we flew together at Qantas Airlines in Melbourne, Australia in 1990. Always a pleasant sort, friendly and honest as the day is long. My wife and I soon moved to Brisbane, so the only times that I saw Phil was at the airports in passing and at the occasional pilot meetings. Phil lived his Christian faith and was liked by all that knew him and flew with him. A true gentleman. It was an honor to have known and flown with him. We have prayed for God's Peace for Diane and their children. Rest in Peace, my friends, knowing that you will see Phil again one faithful day in Christ. Love in Christ, John & RoseAnne Webb

Posted by:
Adrian Jones

Posted on:
May 24, 2017

I've known Phil since I was 16. He was more like a brother than a brother-in-law. Very competitive, hard working and generous at heart. We worked out together, celebrated together and commiserated when necessary. We've both had highs and lows in our flying careers. When things were bad he was there with a helping hand. Our family get-togethers were always full of laughs, bad jokes, and playful banter. He was a good sport. Our family reunions won't be the same. He will be missed. Thank you, Phil, for all your kindness. I'm glad you're free from pain. Godspeed on your final flight.

Posted by:
Richard Thornton

Posted on:
May 23, 2017

Phil was my brother-in-law at one time a long time ago. I had the opportunity to visit Phil & Diane in Melbourne, Australia. He took us to see penguins coming out of the sea and animal preserves and exciting markets featuring kangaroo meat! We had a wonderful time and his sense of humor made all the trips fun. I know his last years were a challenge. I choose to remember earlier times.

Posted by:
Ed Chapman

Posted on:
May 23, 2017

Phil and I were new-hire classmates at our first airline, Braniff International in September 1977. We ran almost every day along Lemmon Avenue in Dallas while memorizing the Boeing 727 cockpit preflight procedures as Flight Engineers. Great personality, always a smile (sometimes a wry smile if the situation warranted). Rest In Peace.....