
Obituaries » Karen L. Dwyer

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Karen L. Dwyer

July 1, 1945 - April 9, 2007

Burial Date April 14, 2007

Obituary Viewed 1323 times

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Kathy and Jenna Soucek

Karen has tutored our youngest daughter, Jenna, since the summer of 2nd grade. She is now in 5th. Karen has helped our Jenna so much and she will be missed very, very dearly. We knew Karen was fighting cancer and she was so sweet in the way she would explain this to Jenna. It came to be that they would sit in our living room together every Wednesdays and laugh and laugh. I can remember hearing her say "oh, Jenna, you are so funny" and "well, let's figure this out". She was always so uplifting - even during her chemo treatments. I don't think she ever missed a Wednesday! Karen was a very inspiring person in Jenna's (and ours) life and she will always hold her dear. My husband, Jenna and I cried when we heard of her passing - it was so hard to have to tell her. We have faith she is now enjoying eternity with our loving Jesus - CANCER FREE. We will miss her terribly. We pray for her family and children and grandchildren and friends - that they hold dear her memories and many lessons taught in life - both by example and by her tutoring and teaching. She was such a blessing and our hearts go out to you all!