
Obituaries » Hannah Williams

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Hannah Williams

September 28, 1917 - June 11, 2008

Burial Date June 25, 2008

Obituary Viewed 1220 times

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Hannah “Jane”, age 90, of Burnsville, MN formerly of Spokane, WA, passed away peacefully on June 11th, 2008. Jane was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas J. and her granddaughter, Julie Hovanes; survived by her children, T. James (Carole) Williams and Carol (Dan) Hovanes; grandchildren, Douglas Williams and Suzanne (Paul) Bigaouette; great-grandchildren, Andrew Long, David and Juliana Bigaouette;uncle Rex Burrus; nieces, cousins, and friends. Jane will be remembered by her family and friends for her inner beauty and generous and unconditional love. Memorial service Wednesday, June 25th at 3:30 PM in THE RIVERS, 11111 River Hills Drive, Burnsville, MN