
Obituaries » Donn R. McCoy

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Donn R. McCoy

February 7, 1942 - June 21, 2010

Burial Date July 21, 2010

Obituary Viewed 1297 times

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Donn R. McCoy, age 68 of Plymouth, born February 7, 1942 in New Ulm, MN, passed away at home June 21, 2010. Grad. of Fairfax HS and U of M. 37 yr. employee of General Mills in food research, head JFB groundskeeper & point person for Grant recipients. Member of Board of Directors for North Country Co-op, City Store Youth program & was actively involved with the American Indian Movement’s Elaine Stately Peacemaker Center. Donn was honored with Human Rights Award, Crystal, MN & AIM Patrol Public Safety Award. Post retirement, Donn worked as the “Gardener Guy” at Home Depot. U of M Hennepin County Ext. Master Gardener for 21 years. Donn is preceded in death by his parents, Clayton, Sr. and Lorraine McCoy and step-grandson, Thomas Brooks. He is survived by wife, Ruth; children: Julie (Steve) Elmer, Todd McCoy and Scott McCoy; granddaughters: Sara Scott (Chais), Samantha Elmer and Meagan McCoy; step-daughter, Dana Brooks; step-grandchildren: Devin, Danielle, Dallas, Delaney & Dillon; brother, Clayton W. McCoy, Jr. (Lynne); niece, Lisa McCoy (Brian Buchner) and nephew Patrick McCoy. A man of spectacular courage, grace, dignity & humor to his final breath, he will be deeply missed by all who were priviledged to have witnessed his contagious smile and benefited from his gentle wisdom. Celebration of his life will he held on Wednesday, July 21, 1:00 PM at Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Avenue N., Plymouth, MN. Memorials suggested to MN Landscape Arboretum.